24 Hour Hotline

Call anytime and we will answer

Trained counselor advocates are available 24 hours a day to listen, talk with you, and provide assistance and referrals. Whether you are experiencing a harmful situation yourself, are struggling with past abuse, or are a concerned loved one, you can call us any time, any day. Over the phone we can help with things like:

  • Counseling, including coping skills and grounding techniques
  • Sending an in-person advocate to the hospital to be with you during a sexual assault examination
  • Planning for ways to stay as safe as possible
  • Referring you to local service agencies to help you get needed resources including: housing, shelter, legal representation, health care, clothing, and food
  • Assisting with petitioning for Emergency Protection from Abuse Orders
  • Connecting you for follow-up services with Centre Safe staff

Call 1-877-234-5050 toll-free to reach a caring, compassionate, well-trained counselor advocate.